

Come Out & Playtest

Every month, Come Out & Play and Eyebeam bring game designers a forum to playtest and get expert feedback. It’s Game Testing for Game Makers.

The monthly sessions serve as an excellent place to test experimental games, from the physical to the social to the architectural. Members have tested everything from sports to board games to giant collaborative video games.

We mainly focus on physical real-world games. Finding the requisite number of players and space to test these games on your own can be difficult. Doing it together is a lot easier.

Each month we bring together players and expert designers to provide feedback on games in progress.

Playtests occur on the third Saturday of every month from 2-5 PM at Eyebeam.  Join the Come Out & Playtest group on Facebook to receive updates.

Have a Game?

Interested in playtesting a game?  Email gtrefry(at)comeoutandplay(.)org or kaho(at)eyebeam(.)org to get a slot at an upcoming playtest.

Join the Community

Want to participate in the community, play and feedback?  Join the Come Out & Playtest group on Facebook.

We’ll send you reminders about the monthly playtests.  The group also serves as a forum to connect with other big game designers in New York City.